
The first published portrait of dr. Frankenstein (Zurich,1832 )


The dead poet

The art of aerial navigation

Stay strong against Grim Flamingo

"This is part of the Grim Flamingo saga. I came across a text in "New Yorker" magazine;
it was about the notorious killer, Perry Smith, the "short-legged".
He recounts in detail a story about a strange yellow bird, which always comes to help him in difficult times and saves him from his feverish raving and woeful lot.
I immediately thought of another bird - its exact opposite - Grim Flamingo.
In his youth, he looks almost like the yellow bird, but after he gains strenght and grows feathers, he develops an intolerable and evil temper.
Grim Flamingo is like a black hole, like a crooked mirror.
His essence is immaterial, so he cannot be defeated."

The Polish violin player

Reaching for secrets too soon

The anarchist

Express tango

Life of the spider

Bella Capricia: The vision of love

The ghost busters

De Daumier Smith`s blue period - 2 (Metamorphosis under the shower)

As I said, my dear student, life is just like a... big and noisy botanical garden

Prince Prospero during the great pestillence

The lonely hearts club

Bar Grim Flamingo

Personal Donald Duck

The shy devil


I am gonna change my evil ways (one of these days)

Near and far

The night of the red dragon (redux)

August kills me - 2

The gambler

Carry that weight

Motel Grim Flamingo

Surrender to a dragon in your dreams

La primavera

August kills me

Julia, my precious love

Icarus: A personal film with no compromise

Dr. Faustus

Mortal remains

The weird menace in the Chinese restaurant

Le sang d` un poete

Last quest of Don Quixote

Premonitions and suspicions

The paths of glory

Ecce homo

The rose

Tomato soup

The Fish Book of dr. Petar Beron

Telephone to God

De Daumier-Smith`s blue period

Slow escape from a flooded restaurant with a stolen urinal

Legacy of a witch

The imp of the perverse